Saturday, January 30, 2010



The lifeskill that we are working on this week is Problem Solving

This week we will be reading the 17th story in our reading book, "Blame It on the Wolf" (U4S2). The skill we will be focusing on is Compare and Contrast. To compare is to tell how two or more things are alike. To contrast is to tell how two or more things are different. Clue words such as like or as show comparisons. Clue words such as but, instead, and unlike show contrasts. Other clue words are words of comparison, such as smaller and more slender. We will also continue working on adjectives. An adjective is a word that describes a person, place, or thing. For instance: an adjective that tells what kind-The wolf went to the brick house. An adjective that tells how many-Three pigs met up with a wolf. An adjective that tells which one- That pig misunderstood the wolf. Adjectives are used to give more information and to make sentences more colorful.

The spelling words will be taken from there and are all contractions. They are: we'll, you'd, it's, doesn't, they'll, would've, shouldn't I'm, that's, he'll, they'd, could've, let's, I'd, we've, what's, she'll, he'd, wouldn't . Spelling homework is to use the words in sentences. The students should underline each spelling word. The Tuesday night homework is due on Wednesday. The vocabulary for this week is: character, courtroom, evidence, guilty, and rescued. The challenge vocabulary is: appalling, defendant, verdict, witness, and wolf-like.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” If students are focused in class they have time to finish all of their assignments except for Spelling and Math homework. Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous weeks. The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. If students have work listed on their Missing Assignment sheet, I may ask them to stay in at recess to finish that work, but mostly they should work on it at home. The Life Skill of responsibility is very important to learn at a young age. The following students were responsible about all of their work in class this term, and are on AAI:

Pedur, Liliana, Anthony, Solomon, Audrey, Kayla, Larry, Joseph, Cassandra, Shania, Myjha, and Parker.


The State Writing Test will be next week, February 8th through February 12th. The students have worked very hard to be prepared for this important test. There are several ways you can help your child be successful with this important test. Some of them are: providing adequate sleep, nourishing breakfast, and a positive “can do” attitude. You can be their “cheerleader”. J

Our party will be this Friday, February 12th. If you would like to join us in, please let me know. We do ask that no siblings come to the party as it does tend to get crowded in our room. The students will need to make a container for valentines at home. They should bring it to school on Monday, February 7th. Below is a list of names for the Valentine's cards:
Juan, Pedur, Jakoby, Lily, Anthony, Daniel, Solomon, Audrey, Serena, Jordyn, Kayla, Larry, Gavin, Joseph, Kahly, Casandra, Tim, Shania, Baylee, McKenzie, Myjha, Parker, Brogen, Mrs. Fairley, and Mrs. Weisser.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

January 25th Week


The lifeskill that we are working on this week is Common Sense. It means “to use good judgment”.

This week we will be reading the 16th story in our reading book, “Half Chicken” (U4S1). He was born with only one wing, one leg, one eye, and half the feathers of other chickens, Half-Chicken soon became the center of attention-and very vain! He decided to leave the ranch and pay a visit to the viceroy in Mexico City. Along the way, Half-Chicken found time to be helpful to others. When he himself needed help, his kindness was repaid.

The students will be learning about paraphrasing which means to explain something in your own words. A paraphrase should include only the author’s ideas, not the student’s opinions. Paraphrasing can help students understand what they have read.

We will discuss adjectives, words that describe people, places, and things. They will learn that some adjectives tell what kind (describe color, shape, size, sound, taste, touch, or smell. Other adjectives tell how many.

The spelling words will be taken from there. They are: shown, short, punish, shelter, flashlight, trash, March, chapter, chocolate, church, watch, kitchen, pitcher, catcher, whatever, anywhere, whenever, wheat, awhile, and somewhere. Spelling homework is to use the words in sentences. The students should underline each spelling word. The Tuesday night homework is due on Wednesday. The vocabulary this week is farewell, flung, suggested, tangled, uniforms, and vain.

This month’s report is on a nature book. There is a list of possible books in the classroom, but your child can check with the librarian as well and find many books in our library that would be appropriate for this report. Please review this month’s book report form with your child and discuss with them which book they would like to read. As part of the book report this month you child will need to create a crossword puzzle with words from their book. They may use the Crossword Puzzle website found in Portaportal (or on our BLOG) to accomplish that. They will need between 10 and 15 words from their book as well as definitions. They can access Portaportal at school or from home. The password is ‘Weddle’.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” If students are focused in class they have time to finish all of their assignments except for Spelling homework and Math. Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous weeks. The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. The following students were responsible about all of their work in class this term. The following students are on AAI:

Pedur, Lily, Anthony, Daniel, Solomon, Audrey, Kayla, Joseph, Kahly, Cassandra, Shania, Baylee, McKenzie, Myjha, and Parker

Saturday, January 16, 2010


NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY...remember to read.  :)


The lifeskill that we are working on this week is Common Sense. It means “to use good judgment”.

Since this will only be a four day week, we will not be having a spelling list, a new reading story, or spelling homework tonight. We will instead be taking a sample State Math test and a sample state Reading test to determine how the students are doing and to locate curriculum areas that we need to focus on. We have three more weeks before our State Writing test. The students have been following the writing process to write a 5 paragraph paper each week. We will continue to work on reviewing these papers as we get closer to the actual test.

On Wednesday, the 4th and 5th grade classes have the privilege of attending a play, "Chasing George Washington", at the Elsinore Theater in downtown Salem. The buses as well as the entrance fee is being paid for by the Women's Assistance League. We are very fortunate to be able to attend the play and appreciate being chosen to go.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” If students are focused in class they have time to finish all of their assignments except for Spelling homework and Math. Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous weeks. The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. The following students were responsible about all of their work in class this term. They are on AAI:

Pedur, Jacoby, Lily, Anthony, Daniel, Solomon, Audrey, Jordyn, Kayla, Larry, Gavin, Joseph, Kahla, Cassandra, Shania, Baylee, McKenzie, Myjha, Parker


Sunday, January 10, 2010


Book Reports

This month’s report is on a nature book. There is a list of possible books in the classroom, but you can check with the librarian as well and find many books in our library that would be appropriate for this report. As part of the book report this month you will need to create a crossword puzzle with words from your book. You may use the Crossword Puzzle website found on this BLOG to accomplish that. You will need between 10 and 15 words from your book as well as definitions. Have fun!

Reading and Spelling for the week of 1/11/10

The skill we will be focusing on is:

Drawing Conclusions. A conclusion is a decision you reach that makes sense after you think about details or facts in what you read. When you read, you draw conclusions by looking at the details and making decisions about the characters and what happens in the story.


This week we will be focusing on the words from the fifteenth reading story (Unit3-Story5), “Rikki-tikki-tavi.” We will be learning about vowels in the final syllables. The spelling words we are studying are:

other, another, motor, angle, barrel, sudden, gallon, number, color, people, title, angel, oven, button, October, doctor, simple, model, broken, common.

The vocabulary works that we are learning this week are cobra, coiled lame, plunged, and triumph. The extra credit vocabulary words are:
mongoose, scornfully, thunderclap, and valiant.


Wonderful job staying on top of things during class time.  The following students have all of their work turned in so far this term:
Pedur, Jacoby, Lily, Anthony, Daniel, Solomon, Audrey, Serena, Jordyn, Kayla, Larry, Joseph, Kahla, Shania, Baylee, McKenzie, Myjha, and Parker.  What a hard working class!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Math Vocabulary

Today we talked about resources for definitions of our math vocabulary.  I have added a link to help you.  Look to the right of the blog and find the website called "Math Vocabulary".  Click on it and you will have all the vocabulary definitions you could ever want.  I hope it helps.  Have fun learning.  :)