Saturday, September 25, 2010


The Spelling words this week are:
band, blanket, finger, window, forgot, trouble, couple, cash, backpack, build, pond, closet, young, tough, January, river, guilt, block, chop, cousin. The students pretest on Monday. They will bring the list home in their Home Folder. Spelling homework is always Tuesday night (due Wednesday morning). I would like them to keep the Spelling sheet in their Home Folder so it can be used at home and at school. This week the homework is to write each word in a sentence and write each word three times. They should number the sentences and underline the spelling word. Please remind your child to review the words each night to be ready for the spelling test on Friday.

This week we will be reading the third story, “Yingtao's New Friend.” Starting a new school in the middle of the of the year is bad enough. But imagine starting a new school in a new country where it seems everything is different, and you don’t know enough English to make friends. Add to that the fact that your violin-playing is a family joke, and you have Yingtao’s life. Our story this week is about how he adjusts to life in America.

The vocabulary words are: instrument, measures, orchestra, rehearsal, and triangle.
The skill we will be working on is Compare and Contrast. When authors write about two or more characters, places, events, or situations, they often want you to compare and contrast them. Compare means telling how two or more things are alike. Contrast means telling how they are different.

Thank you so much for helping your child read, do a reading response, and get their Agenda signed every day. Encouraging them to read to themselves will go a long way in helping them be successful in school.

September's book report is due on Thursday. The October book report is a Fictional animal story. Each child will be given a copy of the book report form Thursday. We will go over the questions and how they need to be answered. We go to the library every Thursday and they can also check books out before or after school to check out their books. Please have them answer the questions on a piece of regular notebook paper. The answers need to be in complete sentences using capitals letters and correct punctuation. The book report is due on Thursday, October 29th.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous week (or before). The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. When they complete the work and turn it in, I will sign them off on their missing assignment sheet so you know their work has been turned in. The Life Skill of responsibility is very important to learn at a young age. Several students were only missing one assignment. The following students were responsible about all of their work this term. They are on AAI:
Sydney, Dawna, Tyler, Jazmin, Evert, Colton, Anthony, Juan, Andrea, Trinity, Teeona, Steve, Apolonia, Jenne, Sydney
Nice job!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Thank you so much for helping your child get their Agenda signed every day. Reading to your child, listening to them read to you, having them read to a brother or sister, or encouraging them to read to themselves will go a long way in helping them be successful in school.

This week we will be focusing on the words from the second reading story, “Train to Somewhere.” We will be learning about sequence, which is the order in which things happen. It can also mean the steps we follow to do something. Some ways to identify a sequence of events are:

CLUE WORDS (first, then, next, and finally, while, and during-also dates and times of day.)

FLASHBACK (events that are told out of order-an event from the past.)

The vocabulary words are:
adopt, atlas, carriage, couple, misery, and platform.

During reading class we will also be talking about subject and predicates. The subject is the word or group of words about which something is said. The predicate tells something about the subject and usually follows it.

The spelling words are:
them, credit, speak, least, season, honey, alley, went, engine, reason, steal, money, monkey, donkey, fence, contest, beat, treat, valley, and hockey.

The students pretest on Monday. They will take the list home in their Home Folder. Spelling homework is always Tuesday night (due Wednesday morning). I would like them to keep the Spelling sheet in their Home Folder so it can be used at home and at school. This week the homework is to write each word three times and then write them in a sentence. Please remind your child to review the words each night to be ready for the spelling test on Friday.

The September book report is due Wednesday (September 30th). Each child has a copy of the book report form. Please have them answer the questions on a piece of regular notebook paper. The answers need to be in complete sentences using capitals letters and correct punctuation.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous week (or before). The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. When they complete the work and turn it in, I will sign them off on their missing assignment sheet so you know their work has been turned in. The Life Skill of responsibility is very important to learn at a young age. Several students were only missing one assignment. The following students were responsible about all of their work this term:
Sydney, Tristen, Eddie, Dawna, Tyler, Jazmin, Evert, Colton, Anthony, Jorgie, Juan, Jenne, Andrea, Grace, Teeona, Trinity, Apolonia, Sydney, Layla, Carleigh.  Nice job, kids!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Welcome to the 4th grade. I have been excited all summer about the plans we are making for this year. One of our focuses will be writing. We will be using two books different books to teach writing. They are called the Four Square Writing Method and Daily Paragraph Writing. I love the way they transition children into writing paragraphs with details so smoothly. Another area I love is Science. We will be doing lots of exploration as we learn throughout the year. 4th grade is such an exciting time.

It was fun to meet so many of you at our Open House last week. If you weren’t able to come last week, please stop by sometime before or after school to see our classroom.

We will be using EXCEL Math this year to supplement Investigations Math. As a part of EXCEL the students will have homework on Monday through Thursday. It will be on concepts I have already taught and should take no more than 15-20 minutes to finish. It is due back the next day. The homework will start today (September 13st). I am excited to watch how this additional program enriches the students’ understanding of math.

I have given each child an agenda where they will keep track of assignments and homework. Thank you for putting your initials at the bottom to indicate that they have read their 20 minutes and finished their reading response paper. The Agenda is filled out each day to show the class assignments and also the homework. I write all the assignments on the board and the students copy them into their agenda. As we complete the work in class, the students check it off. They should take that agenda home with them nightly to share with you. I have also given each student a Home Folder to keep materials in that need to go home. Some of those things need to stay at home, some need to be signed and returned, and some are homework that needs to be completed and returned. Anything that is not finished in class needs to be completed at home and then returned to the correct file at school. Please check with your child nightly to see if they have homework to complete. Each Monday the students will take home their Weddle Folder with graded papers. They should keep the graded papers at home, and return the Weddle Folder back to school.

This week we will be focusing on the words from the first Reading story, “A Visit With Grandpa.” The words are:
huge, few, usual, menu, shoot, fruit, bruise, excuse, nephew, pupil, cool, school, suit, cruise, confuse, curfew, fuel, mood, shampoo, and juice. The students pretest on Monday. They will bring the list home in their Home Folder. Spelling homework is always Tuesday night (due Wednesday morning). This week the homework is to write each word in a sentence. They should number the sentences and underline the spelling word. Please remind your child to review the words each night to be ready for the spelling test on Friday.

We will be grading students with the following Numerical Scoring Scale:
6-Exemplary, 5-Advanced, 4 Proficient, 3 Developing, 2-Emergent, 1-Pre-Emergent, X-Not applicable at this time, INC-Incomplete Evidence Produced by Student. As I review papers each student has completed, I will score them with the numerical scale. As you can see, a 4 is considered Proficient and would be the expectation for your 4th grader. We have talked in class about this scale and the fact that they can redo papers to attain the 4 level. I will send more information to you about this Progress Report as the year progresses.

I have given each student a list of the type of books they need to read each month and a September Book Report form. Please read the form with them and discuss the type of book they need to read. Talk about a timeline for completing the project. Their Adventure reports are due September 30th.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. When they complete the missing work, I will initial the form so you will know that it has been turned in. Please review the form with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. The following students are on AAI:
Sydney, Robert, Tristen, Eddie, Dawna, Tyler, Jazmin, Evert, Jeffery, Colton, Anthony, Jorgie, Juan, Jenne, Andrea, Grace, Trinity, Steve, Simone, Sydney, Layla, Carleigh
Nice job, kids!