Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Week of January 3, 2011


This week we will be focusing on the words from the thirteenth reading story (Unit 3-Story 3), “On the Pampas.” We will be learning about adding -ed and -ing.. The spelling words we are studying are:

happened, studied, worried, slipped, dancing, chasing, robbing, opened, stopped, dried, happening, studying, worrying, slipping, danced, chased, robbed, opening, stopping, and drying. The students pretest on Monday. Their list will be in their Home Folder on Tuesday . Spelling homework is always Tuesday night (due Wednesday morning). I would like them to keep the Spelling sheet in their Home folder so it can be used at home and at school. This week the homework is to write each word in a sentence and write each spelling word 3 times each. They should number the sentences and underline the spelling word. Please remind your child to review the words each night to be ready for the spelling test on Friday.

The vocabulary works that we are learning this week are brand, bridle, calves, corral, herd, initials, manes, and reins. The extra credit vocabulary words are:
gauchos, gourd, and vaccinate.

The skill we will be focusing on is Generalizing. A generalization is a broad statement or rule that applies to many examples. Often Clue words, such as all, most, many, some, sometimes, usually, seldom, few, or generally, signal generalizations. When we read, we are sometimes given ideas about several things or people. We can generalize, or make a statement about all or most of them together. A valid generalization is supporte

December’s book report were due today, January 3rd. I have handed out the book report form for January. This month’s report is on a nature book. Please review this month’s book report form with your child and discuss with them which book they would like to read. The January book report is due January 28th.

Please remind your student that their reading response needs to have their name, the book name, the author, the starting and ending pages for that night’s reading, and either a character description or a summary (paragraph) about what they read that night. It needs to be turned in each morning. Please talk with your child about the best time to complete this assignment and review their work before signing their agenda. If you have any questions, please give me a call or write a note in the agenda.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” If students are focused in class they have time to finish all of their assignments except for Spelling homework. Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous weeks. The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. If students have work listed on their Missing Assignment sheet, I will ask them to stay in at recess to finish that work, but mostly they should work on it at home. The Life Skill of responsibility is very important to learn at a young age. The following students were responsible about all of their work in class this term. They are on AAI:
Sydney, Dawna, Tyler, Jazmin, Anthony, Jorgie, Juan, Andrea, Grace, Trinity, Teeona, Simone, Sydney W., Layla

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Week of December 13th


This week we will be focusing on the words from the twelfth reading story (U3S2), “Marven of the Great North Woods.” We will be learning about adding -s and -es.. The spelling words we are studying are:

monkeys, flowers, supplies, memories, ashes, circuses, taxes, holidays, friends, enemies, mysteries, beaches, glasses, suffixes, delays, tigers, hobbies, eyelashes, bunches and classes. The students pretest on Monday. They will bring the list home in their Home Folder. Spelling homework is always Tuesday night (due Wednesday morning). I would like them to keep the Spelling sheet in their Home folder so it can be used at home and at school. This week the homework is to write each word in a sentence and then write them three times each. The students should number the sentences and underline the spelling word. Starting this week, the spelling test will not be just the twenty spelling words, but will be dictation of sentences. I will be looking for capital letters, punctuation as well as correct spelling of words. Please remind your child to review the words each night to be ready for the spelling test on Friday.

The vocabulary works that we are learning this week are cord, depot, flapjacks, grizzly, and snowshoes. The extra credit vocabulary words are:
bookkeeper, chit, logging, and lumberjacks.

The skill we will be focusing on is Drawing Conclusions. Authors don't always tell us everything. Instead, they may give us a few details about what happens or about characters. We can use the details and what we know to draw conclusions, or figure out things about people or animals and what they do. A conclusion is a decision you reach that makes sense after you think about the details or facts that you have read.

The genre of the December book handed them out on Monday (12/1) after we discuss the types of questions in class. The December book report will be due on January 3, 2011.

Please remind your student that their reading response needs to have their name, the book name, the author, the starting and ending pages for that night’s reading, and either a character description or a summary (paragraph) about what they read that night. It needs to be turned in each morning. Please talk with your child about the best time to complete this assignment and review their work before signing their agenda. If you have any questions, please give me a call or write a note in the agenda.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” If students are focused in class they have time to finish all of their assignments except for Spelling homework. Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous weeks. The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. If students have work listed on their Missing Assignment sheet, I will ask them to stay in at recess to finish that work, but mostly they should work on it at home. The Life Skill of responsibility is very important to learn at a young age. The following students were responsible about all of their work in class this term. They are on AAI:

Sydney, Robert,Tristen, Dawna\, Tyler, Jazmin, Anthony, Juan, Andrea, Grace, Trinity, Sydney W.,Layla

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Week of December 6th


The genre of the December book report is MYSTERY. I handed them out on December 1st after we discuss the types of questions in class. Please check with your child to be sure they have chosen a book and are working on the book report project. The December book report will be due on January 3, 2005.

This week we will be focusing on the words from the eleventh reading story (U3S1), “John Henry.” We will be learning about inflected forms with -er and -est.. The words we are studying are:
smaller, smallest, larger, largest, happier, happiest, hotter, hottest, sadder, saddest, deeper, deepest, closer, closest, scarier, scarier, funnier, funniest, fatter, and fattest. The students pretest on Monday. They will bring the list home in their Home Folder. Spelling homework is always Tuesday night (due Wednesday morning). I would like them to keep the blue Spelling sheet in their purple folder so it can be used at home and at school. This week the homework is to write each word in a sentence. They should number the sentences and underline the spelling word. Please remind your child to review the words each night to be ready for the spelling test on Friday.

The vocabulary works that we are learning this week are boulder, glimpse, hollered, horizon, rhythm, shivered, and tunnel. . The extra credit vocabulary words are:

dynamite, parapets, and sledgehammer.

The skill we will be focusing on is Making Judgments. Making Judgments means thinking about and deciding how to react toward people, situations, and ideas in stories and articles that you read. Students use what they know and their experiences as they make judgments. They will ask themselves if the author is trying to influence them and how the author supports ideas he or she presents in the text.

I am so excited that our students have access to IXL Math from home as well as school. Many of the students have been advancing their skills by choosing to spend some of their home time practicing math concepts and learning more. Keep up the good work!! During this past week, the following students completed a total of 1,554 problems:

Andrea, Tristen, Tyler, Dawna, Eddie Jorgie, Juan, and Grace! Good work!!

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous week (or before). The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. When they complete the work and turn it in, I will sign them off on their missing assignment sheet so you know their work has been turned in. The Life Skill of responsibility is very important to learn at a young age. Several students were only missing one assignment. The following students were responsible about all of their work this term. They are on
Robert, Tristen, Eddie, Dawna, Tyler, Jazmin, Anthony, Juan, Andrea, Grace, Trinity, Teeona, Sydney W.

Sunday, November 28, 2010



This week we will be focusing on the words from the tenth reading story, “Komodo Dragons.” We will be learning about r -Controlled Vowels. The words we are studying are:
storm, morning, forest, Florida, form, pour, fourteen, court, fourth, course, serve, herself, certain, nerve, perfect, dirty, first, girlfriend, thirsty, and skirt. The students pretest on Monday. They will bring the list home in their Home Folder. Spelling homework is always Tuesday night (due Wednesday morning). I would like them to keep the Spelling sheet in their Home Folder so it can be used at home and at school. This week the homework is to write each word in a sentence. They should also write the words three times each. They should number the sentences and underline the spelling word. Please remind your child to review the words each night to be ready for the spelling test on Friday.

The vocabulary works that we are learning this week are armor, fierce, harshest, lizards, prey, reptiles, and roam. The extra credit vocabulary words are:
cold-blooded, monitor, and predator.

The skill we will be focusing on is Context Clues. When you are reading and you see an unfamiliar word, you use context clues, or words around the unfamiliar word, to figure out its meaning. The context may give a definition or an explanation of the unfamiliar word. Often the definition or explanation comes just before or just after the word. Sometimes a synonym, a word with nearly the same meaning as another word, is used as a context clue.

The November book (Historical Fiction) is due tomorrow, Tuesday, November 30th. The December book will be handed out this week after we discuss the types of questions in class. The December book report will be due on January 3, 2011.

Please remind your student that their reading response needs to have their name, the book name, the author, the starting and ending pages for that night’s reading, and either a character description or a summary (paragraph) about what they read that night. It needs to be turned in each morning. Please talk with your child about the best time to complete this assignment and review their work before signing their agenda. If you have any questions, please give me a call or write a note in the agenda.

I am so excited that our students have access to IXL Math from home as well as school. Many of the students have been advancing their skills by choosing to spend some of their home time practicing math concepts and learning more. Keep up the good work!! During this past week, the following students completed a total of 971 problems:

Dawna, Eddie, Trinity, Jazmin, Tyler, and Grace! Good work!!

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous week (or before). The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. When they complete the work and turn it in, I will sign them off on their missing assignment sheet so you know their work has been turned in. The Life Skill of responsibility is very important to learn at a young age. Several students were only missing one assignment. The following students were responsible about all of their work this term. They are on AAI:
Robert, Tristen, Dawna, Tyler, Jazmin, Anthony, Juan, Andrea, Grace, Trinity, Teeona, Sydney W.

Saturday, November 6, 2010



Today is the beginning of a new term. There are no missing assignments because all missing work from last term were figured into the grades last Friday. We have talked a lot about staying focused and completing work during class. The students have class time to complete all school work except for book reports, spelling and math homework . Please encourage your child to set a goal to complete all work in class and if they are absent or haven’t completed something in class to finish it quickly at home to avoid missing work.

This week we will be focusing on the words from the ninth reading story, “The Swimming Hole.” We will be learning about Homophones. The words we are studying are:
wood, to their you're, break, close, thrown, would, two, they're, beat, brake, piece, throne, too, there, your, beet, clothes and peace. The students pretest on Monday. They will bring the list home in their Home Folder. Spelling homework is always Tuesday night (due Wednesday morning). I would like them to keep the Spelling sheet in their Home Folder so it can be used at home and at school. This week the homework is to write each word in a sentence. They should number the sentences and underline the spelling word. They should also write each word three times. Please remind your child to review the words each night to be ready for the spelling test on Friday.

The vocabulary works that we are learning this week are bristled, dugout, jointed, naughty, punish, rushes, and shallow.

The skill we will be focusing on is Theme. Theme is the underlying meaning of a story-a big idea that stands on its own outside the story. Sometimes an author states the theme directly. Sometimes readers have to figure out the theme on their own, using evidence from the text to support the big idea. The two main kinds of writing are fiction and nonfiction. Nonfiction gives information or it tells of real people and events. One way to organize nonfiction is to have main ideas followed by supporting details. Other ways are cause and effect fact and opinion, and comparison and contrast.

I look forward to meeting with you and your child on the upcoming conference day. I am sending home the conference slips today. Below is a list of the topics I will share at your child‘s conference:

S.T.A.R. Reading Score
S.T.A.R. Math Score
Weekly Newsletter
Special Plans (IEP/TAG/SPIRAL)
Assignment List
Weekly Missing Assignment List
Redo Papers

The November book report is HISTORICAL FICTION. The students go to the library every Thursday. They can also go before school, after school, and several other times (which are posted for them) throughout the school day. It is very helpful if you can look at a calendar and plan when would be a good time to work on their book report so it doesn’t end up being a last minute activity. The report is due Monday, November 30th.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Week of October 25th, 2010

This week we will be focusing on the words from the seventh Reading story, “A Big-City Dream.” The words we are studying are:

often, they, caught, really, everybody, camera, beginning, might, remember, island, several, interesting, December, February, known, surprised, finally everyone, swimming, and evening. The students pretest on Monday. They will bring the list home in their Home Folder. Spelling homework is always Tuesday night (due Wednesday morning). I would like them to keep the Spelling list in their home folder so it can be used at home and at school. This week the homework is to write each word in a sentence. They should number the sentences and underline the spelling word. Please remind your child to review the words each night to be ready for the spelling test on Friday.

The reading skill we will be working on this week is CAUSE AND EFFECT. A cause is why something happens. A cause can have more than one effect. An effect can have more than one cause. Sometimes there aren’t any clue words to help figure out what happened and why. Lots of people showed up to help Luz clean up the lot. Her dream of having a garden came true. The first sentence (cause) explains why Luz’s dream came true (effect). Talk with your child this week about “cause and effect” to help them better understand the concepts.

HOMEWORK-Very Important for Success!
READING-Each night your child should be reading a minimum of 20 minutes. Once they have finished reading they need to write a short summary (paragraph) about what they just read. Reading their summary with them will help them further understand their story.

MATH-Your child has Math homework each night. One-fourth of each daily EXCEL sheet is HW. Please look over your child’s work and guide them as necessary in the completion of the problems.

We had several students pass their math facts test last Friday. Please continue to practice 5 minutes each night on the number your child is working on. They need to practice the basic facts through 10. We have also been learning about factor rainbows. Ask your child to show you how to make a factor rainbow for the numbers 2 through 12.

The students have their October book report form. It is for a fiction book about an animal. Please check with your child to see that they are reading an animal book, if not, they can check one out at the library on Thursday. It is very helpful if you can look at a calendar and plan when would be a good time to work on their book report so it doesn’t end up being a last minute activity. The report is due Friday, October 29th.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous week (or before). The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. When they complete the work and turn it in, I will sign them off on their missing assignment sheet so you know their work has been turned in. The Life Skill of responsibility is very important to learn at a young age. Several students were only missing one assignment. The following students were responsible about all of their work this term. They are on AAI:

Sydney A., Tyler, Jazmin, Jeffery, Anthony, Jorgie, Juan, Andrea, Grace, Trinity, Steve, and
Sydney W.

Nice job!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Last week our class was learning about Food Webs and Food Chains.  As part of that process they were able to take apart an owl pellet and identify the bones they found inside.  What an exciting day!!

This week we will be focusing on the words from the first story of Unit 2 (U2S1) “The Cricket in Times Square.” We are studying the vowel sounds that are heard in the words put and out. The words are:

stood, football, July, pudding, pudding, shower, house, cloud, took, brook, cushion, power, crowd, outside, proud, wood, bush, butcher, however, loud mountain. The students pretest on Monday. They will bring the list home in their Home Folder. Spelling homework is always Tuesday night (due Wednesday morning). I would like them to keep the Spelling sheet in their Homework folder so it can be used at home and at school. This week the homework is to write each word in a sentence. They should number the sentences and underline the spelling word. Please remind your child to review the words each night to be ready for the spelling test on Friday.

This week we will be reading a story called “The Cricket In Times Square”. Chester Cricket gets much more than he bargained for when he climbs into a picnic basket in his Connecticut meadow. He gets a trip all the way to New York City. There, in the Times Square subway station,, Mario Bellini, the son of the newsstand owners, finds Chester and makes a home for him in a matchbox. One evening, after the newsstand closes, Chester makes friends with Tucker Mouse and Harry Cat, who take him above ground to see the sights of the city. The reading skill we will learn about is visualizing. To visualize means to form a picture (mind movie) in your mind as you read. Because everything in the subway is new to Chester, he observes and describes it in detail. Details that tell how things look, smell, sound, taste, and feel help readers create vivid pictures in their minds. Ask your child to visualize and describe things this week. Use the senses to make the description vivid.

The students have their October book report form. It is for a fiction book about an animal. Please check with your child to see that they are reading an animal book, if not, they can check one out at the library on Thursday. It is very helpful if you can look at a calendar and plan when would be a good time to work on their book report so it doesn’t end up being a last minute activity. The report is due Friday, October 29th.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous week (or before). The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. When they complete the work and turn it in, I will sign them off on their missing assignment sheet so you know their work has been turned in. The Life Skill of responsibility is very important to learn at a young age. Several students were only missing one assignment. The following students were responsible about all of their work this term. They are on AAI:
Sydney, Eddie, Tyler, Jazmin, Jeffery, Anthony, Juan, Andrea, Grace, Trinity, Sydney

Nice job!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Week of October 11th


This week we will be focusing on the words from the fifth Reading story, “Addie in Charge.” The words are:
throat, scratch, street, squeeze, thrill, strawberry, squirm, through, scream, strike, threat, scrub, strength, squirt, screen, strange, square, thrown, skyscraper, and squeal. The students pretest on Monday. They will take the list home in their Home Folder. Spelling homework is always Tuesday night (due Wednesday morning). I would like them to keep the Spelling sheet in their homework folder so it can be used at home and at school. This week the homework is to write each word in a sentence and then write each word three times. They should number the sentences and underline the spelling word.

Our Target Skill this week is CHARACTERS. Characters are the people or animals in a story or non-fictional article. You can learn about the characters by what they think, do, and say. You can also learn about the characters by paying attention to how other characters in the story treat them and what these other characters say about them. The main characters in “Addie in Charge” are Addie and Burt. In a crisis, Addie stays calm and does the right thing. When then others return, they praise Addie for her courage and intelligence.

The vocabulary words that we will be learning this week are:
bellows, billows, crouched, smarted, and tufts. Knowing the meanings of these words is important to reading “Addie in Charge.”

We will also be learning about three types of sentences. The first kind is a simple sentences which is one complete thought. The second type is a compound sentences which is two simple sentences joined by a comma and a conjunction, such as and, but, or or. Addie hid in the well, and she took Burt with her. The third kind is complex sentences which contain a simple sentence and a group of words that cannot stand on its own, with a connecting work such as because or when. When the fire came close, Addie and Burt hid.

The students have their October book report form. It is for a fiction book about an animal. Please check with your child to see that they are reading an animal book, if not, they can check one out at the library on Thursday. It is very helpful if you can look at a calendar and plan when would be a good time to work on their book report so it doesn’t end up being a last minute activity. The report is due Friday, October 29th.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous week (or before). The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. When they complete the work and turn it in, I will sign them off on their missing assignment sheet so you know their work has been turned in. The Life Skill of responsibility is very important to learn at a young age. Several students were only missing one assignment. The following students were responsible about all of their work this term. They are on AAI:
Sydney, Dawna, Tyler, Jazmin, Jeffery, Anthony, Juan, Trinity, Teeona, Simone, Steve, Sydney
Nice job!

Saturday, October 2, 2010



This Friday, October 8th, there will be no school. It is a teacher’s furlough day. C1 will be doing all of our weekly tests on Thursday.

The words this week are:
station, vacation, wild, lion, invite, broke, remote, danger, cable, behind, hide, arrive, drove, stole, April, bacon, pint, decide, whole, and smoke. The students pretest on Monday. They will have the list home in their Home Folder. Spelling homework is always Tuesday night (due Wednesday morning). I would like them to keep the Spelling sheet in their Home Folder so it can be used at home and at school. This week the homework is to write each word in a sentence. They should number the sentences and underline the spelling word. Please remind your child to review the words each night to be ready for the spelling test this Thursday.

This week we will be focusing on the words from the fourth Reading story, “Family Pictures.” We will be learning about “Author’s Purpose” which is the reason or reasons an author has for writing. We have to figure them out. Four common purposes are to inform, to entertain, to express, and to persuade.  We will also be learning about imperative and exclamatory sentences.

Thank you so much for helping your child read, do a reading response, and get their Agenda signed every day. Reading to your child, listening to them read to you, having them read to a brother or sister, or encouraging them to read to themselves will go a long way in helping them be successful in school. Please encourage them to find a quiet spot to read each night.

The October book report (Fictional animal story). Each child was given a copy of the book report form last Thursday. We went over the questions and how they need to be answered. We go to the library every Thursday and they can also check books out before or after school to check out their books. Please have them answer the questions on a piece of regular notebook paper. The answers need to be in complete sentences using capitals letters and correct punctuation. The book report is due on Friday, October 29th.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous week (or before). The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. When they complete the work and turn it in, I will sign them off on their missing assignment sheet so you know their work has been turned in. The Life Skill of responsibility is very important to learn at a young age. Several students were only missing one assignment. The following students were responsible about all of their work this term. They are on AAI:
Sydney, Dawna, Tyler, Jazmin, Jeffery, Anthony, Juan, Andrea, Grace, Trinity, Teeona, Steve, Sydney, Layla, Apolonia Nice job!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


The Spelling words this week are:
band, blanket, finger, window, forgot, trouble, couple, cash, backpack, build, pond, closet, young, tough, January, river, guilt, block, chop, cousin. The students pretest on Monday. They will bring the list home in their Home Folder. Spelling homework is always Tuesday night (due Wednesday morning). I would like them to keep the Spelling sheet in their Home Folder so it can be used at home and at school. This week the homework is to write each word in a sentence and write each word three times. They should number the sentences and underline the spelling word. Please remind your child to review the words each night to be ready for the spelling test on Friday.

This week we will be reading the third story, “Yingtao's New Friend.” Starting a new school in the middle of the of the year is bad enough. But imagine starting a new school in a new country where it seems everything is different, and you don’t know enough English to make friends. Add to that the fact that your violin-playing is a family joke, and you have Yingtao’s life. Our story this week is about how he adjusts to life in America.

The vocabulary words are: instrument, measures, orchestra, rehearsal, and triangle.
The skill we will be working on is Compare and Contrast. When authors write about two or more characters, places, events, or situations, they often want you to compare and contrast them. Compare means telling how two or more things are alike. Contrast means telling how they are different.

Thank you so much for helping your child read, do a reading response, and get their Agenda signed every day. Encouraging them to read to themselves will go a long way in helping them be successful in school.

September's book report is due on Thursday. The October book report is a Fictional animal story. Each child will be given a copy of the book report form Thursday. We will go over the questions and how they need to be answered. We go to the library every Thursday and they can also check books out before or after school to check out their books. Please have them answer the questions on a piece of regular notebook paper. The answers need to be in complete sentences using capitals letters and correct punctuation. The book report is due on Thursday, October 29th.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous week (or before). The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. When they complete the work and turn it in, I will sign them off on their missing assignment sheet so you know their work has been turned in. The Life Skill of responsibility is very important to learn at a young age. Several students were only missing one assignment. The following students were responsible about all of their work this term. They are on AAI:
Sydney, Dawna, Tyler, Jazmin, Evert, Colton, Anthony, Juan, Andrea, Trinity, Teeona, Steve, Apolonia, Jenne, Sydney
Nice job!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Thank you so much for helping your child get their Agenda signed every day. Reading to your child, listening to them read to you, having them read to a brother or sister, or encouraging them to read to themselves will go a long way in helping them be successful in school.

This week we will be focusing on the words from the second reading story, “Train to Somewhere.” We will be learning about sequence, which is the order in which things happen. It can also mean the steps we follow to do something. Some ways to identify a sequence of events are:

CLUE WORDS (first, then, next, and finally, while, and during-also dates and times of day.)

FLASHBACK (events that are told out of order-an event from the past.)

The vocabulary words are:
adopt, atlas, carriage, couple, misery, and platform.

During reading class we will also be talking about subject and predicates. The subject is the word or group of words about which something is said. The predicate tells something about the subject and usually follows it.

The spelling words are:
them, credit, speak, least, season, honey, alley, went, engine, reason, steal, money, monkey, donkey, fence, contest, beat, treat, valley, and hockey.

The students pretest on Monday. They will take the list home in their Home Folder. Spelling homework is always Tuesday night (due Wednesday morning). I would like them to keep the Spelling sheet in their Home Folder so it can be used at home and at school. This week the homework is to write each word three times and then write them in a sentence. Please remind your child to review the words each night to be ready for the spelling test on Friday.

The September book report is due Wednesday (September 30th). Each child has a copy of the book report form. Please have them answer the questions on a piece of regular notebook paper. The answers need to be in complete sentences using capitals letters and correct punctuation.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous week (or before). The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. When they complete the work and turn it in, I will sign them off on their missing assignment sheet so you know their work has been turned in. The Life Skill of responsibility is very important to learn at a young age. Several students were only missing one assignment. The following students were responsible about all of their work this term:
Sydney, Tristen, Eddie, Dawna, Tyler, Jazmin, Evert, Colton, Anthony, Jorgie, Juan, Jenne, Andrea, Grace, Teeona, Trinity, Apolonia, Sydney, Layla, Carleigh.  Nice job, kids!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Welcome to the 4th grade. I have been excited all summer about the plans we are making for this year. One of our focuses will be writing. We will be using two books different books to teach writing. They are called the Four Square Writing Method and Daily Paragraph Writing. I love the way they transition children into writing paragraphs with details so smoothly. Another area I love is Science. We will be doing lots of exploration as we learn throughout the year. 4th grade is such an exciting time.

It was fun to meet so many of you at our Open House last week. If you weren’t able to come last week, please stop by sometime before or after school to see our classroom.

We will be using EXCEL Math this year to supplement Investigations Math. As a part of EXCEL the students will have homework on Monday through Thursday. It will be on concepts I have already taught and should take no more than 15-20 minutes to finish. It is due back the next day. The homework will start today (September 13st). I am excited to watch how this additional program enriches the students’ understanding of math.

I have given each child an agenda where they will keep track of assignments and homework. Thank you for putting your initials at the bottom to indicate that they have read their 20 minutes and finished their reading response paper. The Agenda is filled out each day to show the class assignments and also the homework. I write all the assignments on the board and the students copy them into their agenda. As we complete the work in class, the students check it off. They should take that agenda home with them nightly to share with you. I have also given each student a Home Folder to keep materials in that need to go home. Some of those things need to stay at home, some need to be signed and returned, and some are homework that needs to be completed and returned. Anything that is not finished in class needs to be completed at home and then returned to the correct file at school. Please check with your child nightly to see if they have homework to complete. Each Monday the students will take home their Weddle Folder with graded papers. They should keep the graded papers at home, and return the Weddle Folder back to school.

This week we will be focusing on the words from the first Reading story, “A Visit With Grandpa.” The words are:
huge, few, usual, menu, shoot, fruit, bruise, excuse, nephew, pupil, cool, school, suit, cruise, confuse, curfew, fuel, mood, shampoo, and juice. The students pretest on Monday. They will bring the list home in their Home Folder. Spelling homework is always Tuesday night (due Wednesday morning). This week the homework is to write each word in a sentence. They should number the sentences and underline the spelling word. Please remind your child to review the words each night to be ready for the spelling test on Friday.

We will be grading students with the following Numerical Scoring Scale:
6-Exemplary, 5-Advanced, 4 Proficient, 3 Developing, 2-Emergent, 1-Pre-Emergent, X-Not applicable at this time, INC-Incomplete Evidence Produced by Student. As I review papers each student has completed, I will score them with the numerical scale. As you can see, a 4 is considered Proficient and would be the expectation for your 4th grader. We have talked in class about this scale and the fact that they can redo papers to attain the 4 level. I will send more information to you about this Progress Report as the year progresses.

I have given each student a list of the type of books they need to read each month and a September Book Report form. Please read the form with them and discuss the type of book they need to read. Talk about a timeline for completing the project. Their Adventure reports are due September 30th.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. When they complete the missing work, I will initial the form so you will know that it has been turned in. Please review the form with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. The following students are on AAI:
Sydney, Robert, Tristen, Eddie, Dawna, Tyler, Jazmin, Evert, Jeffery, Colton, Anthony, Jorgie, Juan, Jenne, Andrea, Grace, Trinity, Steve, Simone, Sydney, Layla, Carleigh
Nice job, kids!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Week of May 24th


The lifeskill that we are working on this week is Courage.

This week we will be reading the last story in our reading book, "Chocolate Is Missing”. The skill we will be focusing on is Author’s Purpose. An Author’s Purpose is the reason for writing something. Some purposes for writing are to entertain, to inform, to express, and to persuade. Predicting an author’s purpose can help you decide whether to read something slowly and carefully or just for fun.

In “Chocolate Is Missing,” the author’s purpose is to entertain. She just wants readers to enjoy reading this funny mystery story. To fulfill per purpose, the author has filled her story with interesting characters and exciting clues.

The spelling words this week are words that are related. They are able, ability, sign, signal, mean, meant, deal, dealt, soft, soften, relate, relative, heal, health, meter, metric, compose, composition, crumb, crumble. Homework for Tuesday night is to write each word in a meaningful sentence. The spelling word should be underlined. Please read your child's homework sentences and ask them to make any corrections that are necessary.

The vocabulary for this week is: angle, approach, brag, chocolate, poster, and presence. The challenge vocabulary words are: apprentices, circuits, generated, and print shop.

The May book report is a BIOGRAPHY. The students all have a book and should be reading it each night. The Biography book report will be the basis for their speech. The following questions will guide them in their speech:
1. Why do you think a book was written about this person?
2. List three facts that made this person famous.
3. What do you think was this person’s most important accomplishment?
4. Make a time line of the important events in the life of the main character.
5. How did you feel about this person before reading the story?
6. How that you’ve read the book, how do you feel about the main character?
7. Write a paragraph explaining how you think the course of history and the lives of the people in this book would have been different if the main character had not existed. What things would not have happened? What might have happened instead?
8. Make a puppet dressed as you chosen famous person. Have your puppet introduce himself/herself to the class and describe himself.
The book report is due May 28.

A.A.I. means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that is listed on that sheet needs to be completed at home or at recess. These students are on AAI this week:

These students are on AAI this week:
Pedur, Anthony, Solomon, Audrey, Jordyn, Joseph, Kahly, Casandra, Shania, and Parker

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Week of May 17th


The lifeskill that we are working on this week is Courage.

This week we will be reading the 29th story in our reading book, "Out of the Blue." The skill we will be focusing on is Main Idea and Supporting Details.

The topic is what a paragraph or article is about. The main idea is the most important idea about the topic the main idea is often stated in a single sentence within a paragraph or article. However, sometimes you have to figure out he main idea and put it in your own words. Supporting details are small pieces of information that tell more about the main idea.

The spelling words this week are words with the suffixes -less, -ment, and -ness. The words this week are:
helpless, spotless, useless, movement, punishment, brightness, fairness, careless, hopeless, payment, pavement, goodness, business, darkness, breathless, worthless, statement, treatment, softness, and greatness.

Homework for Tuesday night is to write each word in a meaningful sentence. The spelling word should be underlined. Please read your child's homework sentences and ask them to make any corrections that are necessary. The vocabulary for this week is: almanac, calendar, circulating, electricity, experiment, inventions, mysterious, and theory. The challenge vocabulary words are: apprentices, circuits, generated, and print shop.

Reading every night is very important to your child's success in school. Please have them read a minimum of twenty minutes each night. Each student has a calendar for May so you can record your signature. It is a great way for them to visualize their successes and to be a part of our reading celebration here at Weddle.

The May book report is a BIOGRAPHY. The students all have a book and should be reading it each night. The Biography book report will be the basis for their speech. The following questions will guide them in their speech:

1. Why do you think a book was written about this person?

2. List three facts that made this person famous.

3. What do you think was this person’s most important accomplishment?

4. Make a time line of the important events in the life of the main character.

5. How did you feel about this person before reading the story?

6. How that you’ve read the book, how do you feel about the main character?

7. Write a paragraph explaining how you think the course of history and the lives of the people in this book would have been different if the main character had not existed. What things would not have happened? What might have happened instead?

8. Make a puppet dressed as you chosen famous person. Have your puppet introduce himself/herself to the class and describe himself.
The book report is due May 31.

A.A.I. means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that is listed on that sheet needs to be completed at home or at recess. These students are on AAI this week:

These students are on AAI this week:
Pedur, Liliana, Anthony, Daniel, Solomon, Audrey, Jordyn, Kayla, Larry, Kahly, Casandra, Shania, Myjha, and Parker

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Week of May 10th...


The lifeskill that we are working on this week is Caring.

This week we will be reading the 28th story in our reading book, "Coming Home." The skill we will be focusing on is:

Fact or Opinion… A statement of fact tells something that can be proved true or false. A statement of opinion tells your ideas or feelings. It cannot be proved true or false, but it can be supported by facts and reasons. Sometimes statements of opinion begin with clues such as “I believe“.

The spelling words this week are words with the /k/ or /f/ sound. Usually the sound /k/ is spelled c, k, or ck: care, brake, track. The sound /f/ can be spelled ff, gh, or ph: stiff, laughed, photo. The words this week are: care, record, track, attack, giraffe, rough, dolphin, because, brake, pocket, stiff, enough, photo, elephant, cover, Kansas, snack, muffin, laughed, and alphabet. Spelling homework is to use the words in a compound sentence. The students should underline each spelling word. The Tuesday night homework is due on Wednesday. Please ask your child to practice their words each night. The vocabulary for this week is: dreamer, drifted, heroes, librarians, rusty, and tremble. The challenge vocabulary words are: haggle, preaching, theater, and Underground Railroad.

The students in C1 have been learning about inventors and how they use their creative skills to solve problems. We are currently discussing our Invention Convention. It is an event that gives students the opportunity to demonstrate their skills independently as they invent a new product. Students will be encouraged to identify a need or to solve a problem . Once a need or a problem has been identified, students will use problem-solving and creative-thinking skills to invent a product that would fill the need or overcome the problem. Some examples of student inventions are:

*a plastic product that holds a book while you eat
*a bird feeder that protects feed from wind and rain
*a device that prevents blisters from forming on hands when raking, shoveling, or sweeping
*a billfold that organizes money by denomination for blind people
They will create their product at home and complete the paper work at school. We will display the products at Weddle the evening of May 14th at the Art and Author’s Night.

Book Report
The May book report is a BIOGRAPHY. The students each have checked out their book from the library or gotten one from the classroom library and should be reading it each night. The book report is due May 31 (Monday).

A.A.I. means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that is listed on that sheet needs to be completed at home or at recess. These students are on AAI this week:
Pedur, Liliana, Anthony, Daniel, Solomon, Audrey, Jordyn, Kayla, Larry, Joseph, Kahly, Casandra, Myjha, and  Parker

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Week of May 3rd

May 7 Hat Day

The lifeskill that we are working on this week is Caring.

This week we will be reading the 28h story in our reading book, "Children of Clay." The skill we will be focusing on is Steps In a Process. Telling the steps in a process is telling the order of steps to complete an action. Clue words like first, next, and last or numbers can show the order of the steps. At other times you have to picture the steps in your mind. For example, in “Children of Clay,” the author tells the steps in the process of making clay pots and figurines. Photographs help readers picture each step in the process.

Sometimes illustrations show the steps. At other times you have to picture the steps in your mind and put them in order.
The spelling words this week are words that are capitalized or are used as abbreviations. The words this week are
They are: May, Kwanzaa, September, June, November, Memorial Day, Christmas, Hanukkah, Chinese New Year, Valentine's Day, Sun,. Feb., Dec., Wed., Dr., Ms., Mrs., Mr., Rd., and Ave.. Spelling homework is to use the words in sentences. The students should underline each spelling word. The Tuesday night homework is due on Wednesday. The vocabulary for this week is: figures, polish, pottery, screens, slip, and symbols. The challenge vocabulary words are: bond, fragile, galleries, and sandpaper.

Reading every night is very important to your child's success in school. Please have them read a minimum of twenty minutes each night and write a 1/2 page reading response. Please sign your initials on their agenda. It is a great way for them to visualize their successes and to be a part of our reading celebration here at Weddle.

Book Report
The May book report is a BIOGRAPHY. The book report is due May 31 (Monday). The questions are as follows:

1. Why do you think a book was written about this person?

2. List three facts that made this person famous.

3. What do you think was this person’s most important accomplishment?

4. Make a time line of the important events in the life of the main character.

5. How did you feel about this person before reading the story?

6. How that you’ve read the book, how do you feel about the main character?

7. Write a paragraph explaining how you think the course of history and the lives of the people in this book would have been different if the main character had not existed. What things would not have happened? What might have happened instead?

8. Make a puppet dressed as you chosen famous person. Have your puppet introduce himself/herself to the class and describe himself.
* Make a time line of events of the story

Each Monday I send a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous weeks. The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. The following students were responsible about all of their work in class this term, and are on AAI:

Pedur, Liliana, Anthony, Daniel, Solomon, Audrey, Jordyn, Kayla, Larry, Joseph, Casandra, Shania, Myjha, and Parker

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Week of April 26th


April 30th-Attendance Award

The lifeskill that we are working on this week is Caring.

This week we will be reading the 26th story in our reading book, "Koya's Cousin Del." The skill we will be focusing on is Visualizing. Visualizing means forming a mental image as you read. To help visualize, look for details that tell how things look, smell, sound, taste, and feel add what you know from your own experience to create an even clearer image in your mind. If you cannot visualize, reread or read more slowly to find details.

The spelling words this week are words that we have to practice in order to get the correct letter order. We have to watch for letter combinations that are hard to keep in order, and pay special attention to those parts. The words this week are:
piece, believe, again, brought, neighbor, tongue, toes, friend, weird, asked, height, heard, rattle, hospital, field, said, only, weight, heart, and pickle.

For homework the students are to use each word in a sentence. They should underline each spelling word. The Tuesday night homework is due on Wednesday.

The vocabulary for this week is: applause, auditorium, autographs, imitation, impatient, microphones, and performers. The challenge vocabulary words are: deduced, deliberately, emphasized, and escorted.

Reading every night is very important to your child's success in school. Please have them read a minimum of twenty minutes each night. Please sign your initials on their reading calendar. It is a great way for them to visualize their successes and to be a part of our reading celebration here at Weddle.

The April book report genre is Science Fiction. Science fiction stories usually transfer the
characteristics of a present-day society to another time, often the future. The author must be creative in writing an imaginative story about his new and unknown place and time. The April book report is due Friday, April 30th.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” If students are focused in class they have time to finish all of their assignments except for Spelling and Math homework. Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous weeks. The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. The following students were responsible about all of their work in class this term, and are on AAI:

Pedur, Liliana, Anthony, Daniel, Solomon, Audrey, Jordyn, Kayla, Larry, Joseph, Casandra, Shania, McKenzie, Myjha, and Parker

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Week of April 19th


April 20th-Marion County Museum visits us
April 22-Take Your Child To Work Day
April 30th-Attendance Award

The lifeskill that we are working on this week is Cooperation.

State Tests
The students who did not pass the state reading and math test the 1st time will be given a second opportunity this week. If your child hasn’t met yet, please encourage them to do their best and read the entries carefully. They receive their scores upon completion of the test so will be able to share them with you. There will be one more opportunity starting May 3rd to meet the state standard.

April 22nd is “Take Your Child to Work Day”. We sent a form home last week so you can let the us know if you plan to do that. If your child goes to work with you on that day, they will be excused from class work if they complete a journal of their activities. When they return to class, they will share what they learned while visiting your work.

This week we will be reading the 25th story in our reading book, "Space Probes to the Planets" (U5S5). The skill we will be focusing on is Text Structure. Text Structure is the way a piece of writing is organized. Nonfiction tells of real people and events or tells information about the real world. Some ways to organized nonfiction are cause and effect, problem and solution, and compare and contrast. “Space Probes to the Planets “ is nonfiction; it gives information about the real world. The author tells about a problem-its difficult to get the information about the planets. then she explains a solution-we can use space probes to explore far away planets.

The spelling words this week are words that use just enough letters. They are: coming, always, almost, didn‘t, upon, wasn‘t, until, during, want, father, hamster, a lot, ugly, washed, hotel, missed, eleven, crazy, lazy, and feelings. Spelling homework is to use the words in sentences. The students should underline each spelling word. The Tuesday night homework is due on Wednesday.

The vocabulary for this week is: atmosphere, craters, incredible, probes, and spacecrafts.

Reading every night is very important to your child's success in school. Please have them read a minimum of twenty minutes each night. Please sign your initials on their reading calendar. It is a great way for them to visualize their successes and to be a part of our reading celebration here at Weddle.

The April book report genre is Science Fiction. Science fiction stories usually transfer the
characteristics of a present-day society to another time, often the future. The author must be creative in writing an imaginative story about his new and unknown place and time. The April book report is due Friday, April 30th.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” If students are focused in class they have time to finish all of their assignments except for Spelling and Math homework. Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous weeks. The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. The following students were responsible about all of their work in class this term, and are on AAI:

Pedur, Liiana, Anthony, Daniel, Solomon, Audrey, Jordyn, Kayla, Larry, Joseph, Casandra, Shania, McKenzie, Myjha, Parker, and Taylor

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Week of April 12th...

April 13th - Marion County Museum visits us
April 20th-Marion County Museum visits us
April 22-Take Your Child To Work Day
April 30th-Attendance Award

The lifeskill that we are working on this week is Cooperation.

State Tests
The students who did not pass the state reading and math test the 1st time will be given a second opportunity this week. If your child hasn’t met yet, please encourage them to do their best and read the entries carefully. They receive their scores upon completion of the test so will be able to share them with you. There will be one more opportunity starting May 3rd to meet the state standard.

April 22nd is “Take Your Child to Work Day”. We sent a form home last week so you can let the us know if you plan to do that. If your child goes to work with you on that day, they will be excused from class work if they complete the journal of their activities. When they return to class, they will share what they learned while visiting your work.

This week we will be reading the 24th story in our reading book, "Into the Sea" (U5S4). The skill we will be focusing on is Author's Purpose. An author's purpose is the reason for writing something. Some purposes for writing are to entertain, to inform, to express, and to persuade. Predicting an author's purpose can help you decide whether to read something slowly and carefully or quickly for fun.

The spelling words this week are words that have vowels with no sound clues. They are: machine, especially, usually, probably, giant, buffalo, Canada, canoe, relatives, stomach, moment, cement, yesterday, animals, iron, favorite, welcome, support, suppose, and August. Spelling homework is to use the words in sentences. The students should underline each spelling word. The Tuesday night homework is due on Wednesday. The vocabulary for this week is: awkward, coral, current, flippers, muscles, protection, ridges, and underside. The challenge vocabulary words are: ecosystems, hatchling, mussel, and plankton.

Reading every night is very important to your child's success in school. Please have them read a minimum of twenty minutes each night and write a summary of what they read. Please sign your initials on their reading calendar. It is a great way for them to visualize their successes and to be a part of our reading celebration here at Weddle. I mark them off each morning and they will earn points toward going to the Wolves reading party.

The April book report genre is Science Fiction. Science fiction stories usually transfer the
characteristics of a present-day society to another time, often the future. The author must be creative in writing an imaginative story about his new and unknown place and time. The April book report is due Friday, April 30th.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” If students are focused in class they have time to finish all of their assignments except for Spelling and Math homework. Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous weeks. The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. The following students were responsible about all of their work in class this term, and are on AAI:

Pedur, Liliana, Anthony, Daniel, Solomon, Audrey, Jordyn, Kayla, Larry, Joseph, Shania, Baylee, Myjha, Parker

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Week of April 5th


April 6th - Marion County Museum visits us
April 6th - McTeacher's Night
April 13th - Marion County Museum visits us
April 20th-Marion County Museum visits us
April 30th-Attendance Award

The lifeskill that we are working on this week is Friendship.

This week we will be reading the 23rd story in our reading book, "The Race For the North Pole" (U5S3). The skill we will be focusing on is Graphic Sources. A graphic source would include charts, graphs, maps, diagrams, tables, lists, time lines, and scale drawings. Previewing graphic sources before reading a selection can help students predict what they will learn. Graphic sources can help during reading by showing what the words say or by organizing information in a useful way. Maps show places. A physical map shows landforms and bodies of water. A map key explains symbols and the scale of miles.

The spelling words this week are words that are possessive. They are: Dad's, girls', baby's, families', brother's, boys', lady's, friend's, teacher's, babies', grandma's, brothers', aunt's, ladies', girl's, teachers', family's grandpa's, boy's, and aunts'. Spelling homework is to use the words in sentences. The students should underline each spelling word. The Tuesday night homework is due on Wednesday. The vocabulary for this week is: adventure, glaciers, navigate, region, and walruses. The challenge vocabulary words are: assistant, expedition, floe, latitude, and sledge.

The April book report genre is Science Fiction. Science fiction stories usually transfer the
characteristics of a present-day society to another time, often the future. The author must be creative in writing an imaginative story about his new and unknown place and time. The April book report is due Friday, April 30th.

Reading every night is very important to your child's success in school and in life. Please have them read a minimum of twenty minutes at least four nights out of seven. Please sign their reading log each night after they read and done their reading response. I mark them off each morning and they will earn points toward going to the Wolves reading party.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” If students are focused in class they have time to finish all of their assignments except for Spelling and Math homework. Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous weeks. The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. The following students were responsible about all of their work in class this term, and are on AAI:

Pedur, Liliana, Anthony, Solomon, Daniel, Audrey, Jordyn, Kayla, Larry, Joseph, Shania,Myjha.Parker,Brogen

Thursday, March 25, 2010

March 29, 2010

Welcome Back!

I hope you had a wonderful Spring break with your families. We sure were blessed with a wonderful variety of Oregon weather.

March 31st WOLVES Party
March 31st-Book Report Due
April 2nd-Sport Day
April 30th-Attendance Award

The lifeskill that we are working on this week is Friendship.

This week we will be reading the 22nd story in our reading book, "A Peddler's Dream" (U5S2). The skill we will be focusing on is PLOT. A plot is a series of events that center on a problem, or conflict. A conflict can be a problem between two people or groups, or between a person and nature. Conflicts can also be problems that characters have within themselves. The climax is where the action of the story builds and the conflict must be faced. The resolution is where the problem is solved.

The spelling words this week are words with kn, gn, wr, or mb. They are: knot, unknown, know, knit, knob, kneel, sign, design, assign, writing, wrist, wreck, wreath, wrench, wren, climb, thumb, limb, comb, and lamb. Their Spelling homework is to use the words in sentences. The students should underline each spelling word. The Tuesday night homework is due on Wednesday. The vocabulary for this week is: bound, fortune, mission, peddling, purchased, quarters, and trudged. The challenge vocabulary words are: betrothed, calico, dowry, merchandise, and wares.

The April book report genre is Science Fiction. Science fiction stories usually transfer the
characteristics of a present-day society to another time, often the future. The author must be creative in writing an imaginative story about his new and unknown place and time. The April book report is due Wednesday, April 30th.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” If students are focused in class they have time to finish all of their assignments except for Spelling and Math homework. Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous weeks. The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. The following students were responsible about all of their work in class this term, and are on AAI:

Juan, Pedur, Jacoby, Liliana, Anthony, Solomon, Daniel, Audrey, Serena, Jordyn, Kayla, Larry, Gavin, Joseph, Kahly, Casandra, Shania, Baylee, McKenzie, Myjha, Parker, and Brogen.  Nice job, kids!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Week of March 8th


March 8th-16th State Tests
March12th Grading Day
March 15th and 16th Human Development classes

The lifeskill that we are working on this week is Patience.

The March book report is on a (nonfiction) science book. There is a project that needs to be completed at home for this book report. We will discuss the book report and all the terms this week. I will ask each student to put the book report form in their Home Folder so you and your child can review the types of questions and the assignment for the book report. Please talk with your child about the importance of completing work in a timely fashion. When students wait until the last minute to start long-term projects, it creates tension and frustration. Learning to use time wisely is a skill that will be used for a lifetime. The March book report will be due March 31st.

The 1st round of the State Reading and Math test will be March 8th, 9th,10th,11th,15th, and 16th in our classroom. In order to pass, your child must receive a score of 211 for Reading and a score of 212 for Math. Students who pass will receive special tags that display the name of the test they passed. We will schedule additional attempts for those students who don't yet meet the standards. Please try to schedule doctor's appointments outside of the testing times so your child will be able to complete the tests in a timely fashion. There are several other ways you can help your child be successful with these important tests. Some of them are: adequate sleep, nourishing breakfast, and a positive “can do” attitude. You can be their “cheerleader”. J

Since we will be doing the State tests this week, we will not have a Scott Foresman story to read or Tuesday night Spelling homework. We will resume our regular schedule next week.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” If students are focused in class they have time to finish all of their assignments except for Spelling and Math homework. Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous weeks. The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. The following students were responsible about all of their work in class this term, and are on AAI:
Pedur, Liliana, Anthony, Solomon, Audrey, Jordyn, Kayla, Larry, Joseph, Casandra, Shania, Myjha, Parker

Sunday, February 28, 2010


March 5th PJ Day
March 8th-16th State Tests
March12th Grading Day
March 15th and 16th Human Development classes

The lifeskill that we are working on this week is Patience.

The March book report is on a (nonfiction) science book. There is a project that needs to be completed at home for this book report. We will discuss the book report and all the terms this week. I will ask each student to put the book report form in their Home Folder so you and your child can review the types of questions and the assignment for the book report. Please talk with your child about the importance of completing work in a timely fashion. When students wait until the last minute to start long-term projects, it creates tension and frustration. Learning to use time wisely is a skill that will be used for a lifetime. The March book report will be due March 31st.

This week we will be reading the 21st story in our reading book, "Amazing Alice" (U5S1). The skill we will be focusing on is Summarizing. A summary gives the main ideas of an article, or it tells what happened in a story. A summary is short, and it doesn't include unimportant details. A summary will help you recall and organize information.

The spelling words this week have prefixes (dis-, in-, mis-, re-). They are: dislike, disappear, distrust, dishonest, disagree, incomplete, independent, incorrect, invisible, inactive, misplace, misspell, misled, mistreat, misbehave, rebuild, reuse, react, replace, and recall. Spelling homework is to use the words in sentences. The students should underline each spelling word. The Tuesday night homework is due on Wednesday. The vocabulary for this week is: blacksmith, crank dependable, forge, ravines, and telegraph. The challenge vocabulary is: chaperones, contraptions, odometer, tiller, and trestle.

The skill we will be focusing on is summarizing. a summary gives the main ideas of an article, or it tells what happened in a story. A summary is short; it doesn''t include unimportant details. A summary will help you recall and organize information.

Reading every night is very important to your child's success in school. Please have them read a minimum of twenty minutes each night. Please sign your initials on their agenda. It is a great way for them to visualize their successes and to be a part of our reading celebration here at Weddle.

The 1st round of the State Reading and Math test will be March 8th, 9th,10th,11th,15th, and 16th in our classroom. Please try to schedule doctor's appointments outside of those times so your child will be able to complete the tests in a timely fashion. There are several other ways you can help your child be successful with these important tests. Some of them are: adequate sleep, nourishing breakfast, and a positive “can do” attitude. You can be their “cheerleader”. J

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” If students are focused in class they have time to finish all of their assignments except for Spelling and Math homework. Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous weeks. The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. The following students were responsible about all of their work in class this term, and are on AAI:
Pedur, Liliana, Anthony, Solomon, Audrey, Jordyn, Kayla, Larry, Joseph, Shania, Myjha, and Parker.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Week of February 22nd

The lifeskill that we are working on this week is Responsibility-to be accountable for your own actions.

This week we will be reading the 20th story in our reading book, "Keepers" (U4S5). The skill we will be focusing on is Plot. Stories have plot, or a series of events that center on a problem, or conflict. A conflict can be a problem between two people or groups, or between a person and nature. Conflicts can also be problems that characters have within themselves. The climax is the place where the action of the story builds and the conflict must be faced. the resolution is the place where the problem is solved.

The spelling words this week have double consonants. They are: tomorrow, borrow, different, supper, matter, written, bottle, ridden, odd, bubble, offer, suffer, slipper, grasshopper, worry, current, lettuce, paddle, shudder, and hobby. Spelling homework is to use the words in sentences. The students should underline each spelling word. The Tuesday night homework is due on Wednesday. The vocabulary for this week is: considering, definitely, diamond, grounders, reminder, stroke, and taunted. The challenge vocabulary is: apologizing, handmade, and storytelling.

The book report for February is "Fantasy". Fantasy stories include folktales, fairy tales, tall tales, fables, and science fiction. We have discussed the book report and all the terms. I have asked each student to put the book report form in their Home Folder so they can review the types of questions and the assignment for the book report with you. Part of the book report is making a board game. They have written the criteria in their Agenda. The book report and board game is due Friday, February 29th.

The 1st round of the State Reading and Math test will be March 8th, 9th,10th,11th,15th, and 16th in our classroom. Please try to schedule doctor's appointments outside of those times so your child will be able to complete the tests in a timely fashion. There are several other ways you can help your child be successful with these important tests. Some of them are: adequate sleep, nourishing breakfast, and a positive “can do” attitude. You can be their “cheerleader”.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” If students are focused in class they have time to finish all of their assignments except for Spelling and Math homework. Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous weeks. The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. The following students were responsible about all of their work in class this term, and are on AAI:

Pedur, Liliana, Anthony, Daniel, Solomon, Audrey, Jordyn, Kayla, Larry, Joseph, Kahly, Casandra, Shania
McKenzie, Myjha, and Parker

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Week of February 16th...

The lifeskill that we are working on this week is Responsibility-to be accountable for your own actions.

This week we will be reading the 19th story in our reading book, "The Disguise" (U4S4). The skill we will be focusing on is Summary. A summary is a short statement, no more than a few sentences, that tells the main idea of a selection.  For a story, a summary tells the goals of the characters, how they try to reach them, and whether they reach them.  A summary of an article tells the main idea and leaves out unneccesary details.
The spelling words this week have suffixes -ful, -ly, and -ion. They are: powerful, peaceful, beautiful, cheerful, painful, thoughtful, slowly, safely, daily, suddenly, carefully, weekly, lately, truthfully, hopefully, action, location, invention, correction, and pollution.. Spelling homework is to use the words in sentences. The students should underline each spelling word. The Tuesday night homework is due on Wednesday. The vocabulary for this week is: considering, definitely, diamond, grounders, reminder, stroke, and taunted. The challenge vocabulary is: apologizing, handmade, and storytelling.

The book report for February is "Fantasy". Fantasy stories include folktales, fairy tales, tall tales, fables, and science fiction. We have discussed the book report and all the terms. I have asked each student to put the book report form in their Home Folder so they can review the types of questions and the assignment for the book report with you. Part of the book report is making a board game. They have written the criteria in their Agenda. The book report and board game is due Friday, February 29th.

The 1st round of the State Reading and Math test will be March 8th, 9th,10th,11th,15th, and 16th in our classroom. Please try to schedule doctors' appointments outside of those times so your child will be able to complete the tests in a timely fashion. There are several other ways you can help your child be successful with these important tests. Some of them are: adequate sleep, nourishing breakfast, and a positive “can do” attitude. You can be their “cheerleader”. J

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” If students are focused in class they have time to finish all of their assignments except for Spelling and Math homework. Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous weeks. The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. The following students were responsible about all of their work in class this term, and are on AAI:

Pedur, Liliana, Anthony, Daniel, Solomon, Audrey, Jordyn, Kayla, Larry, Gavin, Joseph, Kahly, Casandra, Baylee, McKenzie, and Myjha

I'm proud of you all for reaching for the stars and being the best you can be.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


The lifeskill that we are working on this week is Problem Solving-being able to identify a problem and then find a positive solution.

This week we will be reading the 18th story in our reading book, "Lou Gehrig: The Luckiest Man" (U4S3). The skill we will be focusing on is Text Structure. Text Structure is the way a piece of writing is organized. One way to organize writing is to put events in Chronological, or time order. Biographies and autobiographies, which tell about real people's lives, are often organized in chronological order. Important dates in a person's life and the age of a person at the time of an event can help you follow the order of a biography or autobiography. The students will be creating a timeline of their life.

The spelling words are "easily confused words". They are: set, sit, off, of, when, win, our, are, than then, lose, loose, were, we're where, quiet, quite, quit, whose and who's. Spelling homework is to use the words in sentences. The students should underline each spelling word. The Tuesday night homework is due on Wednesday. The vocabulary for this week is: convinced, courageous, engineer, gradually, and immigrants. The challenge vocabulary is: citizenship, commission, consecutive, prototype, and specialists.

The book report for February is "Fantasy". Fantasy stories include folktales, fairy tales, tall tales, fables, and science fiction. We have discussed the book report and all the terms. I have asked each student to put the book report form in their Home Folder so they can review the types of questions and the assignment for the book report with you. Part of the book report is making a board game. They have written the criteria in their Agenda. The book report and board game is due Friday, February 29th.

The State Writing Test started today and will continue through Thursday. The students have worked very hard to be prepared for this important test. There are several ways you can help your child be successful with this important test. Some of them are: adequate sleep, nourishing breakfast, and a positive “can do” attitude. You can be their “cheerleader”. J

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” If students are focused in class they have time to finish all of their assignments except for Spelling and Math homework. Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous weeks. The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. If students have work listed on their Missing Assignment sheet on Friday (February 12th), we will provide a study hall for them in place of the Valentine's party. Please encourage your child to complete and turn in all assignments. The following students were responsible about all of their work in class this term, and are on AAI:

Pedur, Liliana, Anthony, Daniel, Solomon, Audrey, Jordyn, Kayla, Larry, Joseph, Kahly, Shania, Myjha, and Parker

Our Valentine's party will be Friday, February 12th from 2:30-3:00.    Remember to bring your decorated box or sack to school so valentines can be handed out this week.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Many of you are ready to start doing research projects.  For the first project, I would like you to learn more about a famous person.  Use the site below to read about a person of your choice.  You can use other resources as well. Look for information about their childhood, education, and what they did to change our world to be a better place.  You will share your information with the class (for example, report, poster, or timeline).  Have fun.


Saturday, January 30, 2010



The lifeskill that we are working on this week is Problem Solving

This week we will be reading the 17th story in our reading book, "Blame It on the Wolf" (U4S2). The skill we will be focusing on is Compare and Contrast. To compare is to tell how two or more things are alike. To contrast is to tell how two or more things are different. Clue words such as like or as show comparisons. Clue words such as but, instead, and unlike show contrasts. Other clue words are words of comparison, such as smaller and more slender. We will also continue working on adjectives. An adjective is a word that describes a person, place, or thing. For instance: an adjective that tells what kind-The wolf went to the brick house. An adjective that tells how many-Three pigs met up with a wolf. An adjective that tells which one- That pig misunderstood the wolf. Adjectives are used to give more information and to make sentences more colorful.

The spelling words will be taken from there and are all contractions. They are: we'll, you'd, it's, doesn't, they'll, would've, shouldn't I'm, that's, he'll, they'd, could've, let's, I'd, we've, what's, she'll, he'd, wouldn't . Spelling homework is to use the words in sentences. The students should underline each spelling word. The Tuesday night homework is due on Wednesday. The vocabulary for this week is: character, courtroom, evidence, guilty, and rescued. The challenge vocabulary is: appalling, defendant, verdict, witness, and wolf-like.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” If students are focused in class they have time to finish all of their assignments except for Spelling and Math homework. Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous weeks. The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. If students have work listed on their Missing Assignment sheet, I may ask them to stay in at recess to finish that work, but mostly they should work on it at home. The Life Skill of responsibility is very important to learn at a young age. The following students were responsible about all of their work in class this term, and are on AAI:

Pedur, Liliana, Anthony, Solomon, Audrey, Kayla, Larry, Joseph, Cassandra, Shania, Myjha, and Parker.


The State Writing Test will be next week, February 8th through February 12th. The students have worked very hard to be prepared for this important test. There are several ways you can help your child be successful with this important test. Some of them are: providing adequate sleep, nourishing breakfast, and a positive “can do” attitude. You can be their “cheerleader”. J

Our party will be this Friday, February 12th. If you would like to join us in, please let me know. We do ask that no siblings come to the party as it does tend to get crowded in our room. The students will need to make a container for valentines at home. They should bring it to school on Monday, February 7th. Below is a list of names for the Valentine's cards:
Juan, Pedur, Jakoby, Lily, Anthony, Daniel, Solomon, Audrey, Serena, Jordyn, Kayla, Larry, Gavin, Joseph, Kahly, Casandra, Tim, Shania, Baylee, McKenzie, Myjha, Parker, Brogen, Mrs. Fairley, and Mrs. Weisser.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

January 25th Week


The lifeskill that we are working on this week is Common Sense. It means “to use good judgment”.

This week we will be reading the 16th story in our reading book, “Half Chicken” (U4S1). He was born with only one wing, one leg, one eye, and half the feathers of other chickens, Half-Chicken soon became the center of attention-and very vain! He decided to leave the ranch and pay a visit to the viceroy in Mexico City. Along the way, Half-Chicken found time to be helpful to others. When he himself needed help, his kindness was repaid.

The students will be learning about paraphrasing which means to explain something in your own words. A paraphrase should include only the author’s ideas, not the student’s opinions. Paraphrasing can help students understand what they have read.

We will discuss adjectives, words that describe people, places, and things. They will learn that some adjectives tell what kind (describe color, shape, size, sound, taste, touch, or smell. Other adjectives tell how many.

The spelling words will be taken from there. They are: shown, short, punish, shelter, flashlight, trash, March, chapter, chocolate, church, watch, kitchen, pitcher, catcher, whatever, anywhere, whenever, wheat, awhile, and somewhere. Spelling homework is to use the words in sentences. The students should underline each spelling word. The Tuesday night homework is due on Wednesday. The vocabulary this week is farewell, flung, suggested, tangled, uniforms, and vain.

This month’s report is on a nature book. There is a list of possible books in the classroom, but your child can check with the librarian as well and find many books in our library that would be appropriate for this report. Please review this month’s book report form with your child and discuss with them which book they would like to read. As part of the book report this month you child will need to create a crossword puzzle with words from their book. They may use the Crossword Puzzle website found in Portaportal (or on our BLOG) to accomplish that. They will need between 10 and 15 words from their book as well as definitions. They can access Portaportal at school or from home. The password is ‘Weddle’.

AAI means “ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN.” If students are focused in class they have time to finish all of their assignments except for Spelling homework and Math. Each Monday I will send home a sheet that will tell you if your child is missing any work in each subject area. Please review it with them Monday night, sign it, and have them return it to class on Tuesday. Anything that shows up missing on that sheet is work that was to be completed in the previous weeks. The students need to complete the work and turn it in to me as soon as possible. The following students were responsible about all of their work in class this term. The following students are on AAI:

Pedur, Lily, Anthony, Daniel, Solomon, Audrey, Kayla, Joseph, Kahly, Cassandra, Shania, Baylee, McKenzie, Myjha, and Parker